Foster a Dog or A Pet [1]
Become a City of Kelso foster partner or adopt a dog.
Too often owners are dumping their dogs and pets instead of trying to rehome them. This happens when an owner finds they no longer have use for an animal or they find themselves overwhelmed with pet ownership.
Kelso’s Animal Control Department works hard to find good homes for dogs and pets that are abandoned, but we cannot do it alone. Often we rely on the good citizens of Kelso to give us a hand in finding new forever homes for these pets. If you are interested in helping, you can becoming a foster partner for lost dogs and pets or you can adopt a dog or pet that has been abandoned.
If you are interested in partnering with the City of Kelso, please reach out to the City of Kelso Animal Control Officer.
Joshua Dowling
Email: [2]'; // -->
Phone Number 360-423-9922 EXT 3384