Licenses [1]
Fingerprint services are by appointment only. Whether you need fingerprinted for a NEW CPL or for a job or volunteering, please call for an appointment if you live within the Kelso city limits. We cannot accomodate walk-ins due to varying staffing levels.
Concealed Pistol Licenses
To apply for a new Concealed Pistol License (CPL) you must reside in the city limits of Kelso and you must make an appointment with our business office first. You will apply in person at Kelso Police Department located at 201 South Pacific Avenue, Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. LICENSES ARE GOOD FOR FIVE (5) YEARS. To apply for a renewal, late renewal or replacement CPL, you must apply in person at KPD Monday - Thursday 8:00am to 5:30 pm.
Requirements include:
- You must be 21 years of age when application is filed
- You must be a United States citizen or have a valid Alien Firearms Certificate from the State of Washington Division of Professional Licensing in Olympia.
- You must be eligible to own firearms under RCW 9.41.040 and 9.41.045.
- You must not have a court order or injunction against possession of firearms.
- You must not be pending trial, appeal or sentencing on a felony offense.
- You must not have an order to forfeit firearms within the last year.
- You must not have any outstanding warrants for any charge, from any court.
- You must provide Washington State picture identification with current address on it.
For a NEW concealed pistol license:
- Bring Washington State picture ID to the Kelso Police Department.
- Complete a "CPL" application which can be obtained at the Kelso Police Department.
- Pay a non-refundable $48.00 fee to the City of Kelso. (fee effective 1/1/25)
- Be fingerprinted when turning in the CPL application (generally takes approximately 20 minutes) **By appointment only**
The information on the application will be used to do a background check to determine if
he/she is eligible to possess a firearm in Washington State. If the applicant is approved the
CPL will be sent to their home address. If denied the applicant will receive a letter saying that
the CPL has been denied. (Again, the fee is non-refundable if denied)
For RENEWAL of a Concealed Pistol License:
application can be submitted 90 days before the orginal permit expiration date
- Bring Washington State picture ID and the expiring CPL to the Kelso Police Department.
- Complete a CPL application form which can be obtained at the Kelso Police Department.
- Pay a non-refundable $32 fee to the City of Kelso.
The information on the application will be used to do a background check to determine if
he/she is eligible to possess a firearm in Washington State. If the applicant is approved the
CPL will be sent to their home address. If denied the applicant will receive a letter saying that
the CPL has been denied. (Again, the fee is non-refundable)
For an EXPIRED Concealed Pistol License:
within 90 days of expiration date - 90 days prior or after the expiration date.
- Bring Washington State picture ID and the expiring CPL to the Kelso Police Department.
- Complete a CPL application which can be obtained at the Kelso Police Department.
- Pay a non-refundable $42 fee to the City of Kelso.
The information on the application will be used to do a background check to determine if
he/she is eligible to possess a firearm in Washington State. If the applicant is approved the
CPL will be sent to their home address. If denied the applicant will receive a letter stating the
permit has been denied.
For a REPLACEMENT Concealed Pistol License:
If you lose your license while it is still valid, you can obtain a replacement license which is valid
until the orginal expiration date
- Bring Washington State picture ID to the Kelso Police Department.
- Complete a CPL application which can be obtained at the Kelso Police Department.
- Pay a non-refundable $10 fee to the City of Kelso.
Where is your money going?
The non-refundable fee, paid upon application, will be distrubuted as follows:
NEW LICENSE APPLICATION: $49.25 ($48.00 effective 1/1/25)
- $15.00 to the state general fund.
- $ 4.00 the agency taking fingerprints.
- $14.00 to the license issuing authority.
- $ 3.00 to firearms range account in the general fund.
- $13.25 for payment to the FBI for fingerprints ($12.00 effective 1/1/25).
RENEWAL: $32.00
- $15.00 to the state general fund.
- $14.00 to the license issuing authority.
- $ 3.00 to the firearms range account in the general fund.
For more information please call us for non-emergencies at 360-423-1270.