West Main Project Goals Givens and Issues

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Goals, Givens and Issues (November 9, 2010):

The Goals, Givens and Issues are important to understanding the project needs and requirements. These were presented at the Open House held at the City Hall council chambers on October 29, 2009

The project Goals provide the vision for the Project Team’s focus:


Givens are a key element in defining essential boundaries for the project team, and for the West Main Realignment Project are:

Issues arise in any project, and help frame limitations that must be considered in the design and project decisions, and have been identified as:

Focus on these goals, givens and issues resulted in selection of Alternative 3A, with a crossover beginning at 2nd Avenue and meeting Catlin at 4th Avenue. The Design Team at OTAK is working on what is termed “30% design” for the entire project. This design effort will provide a solid overview of what the project will look like when it is complete.