Based on concerns raised by councilmembers in prior years related to the City’s Charter, the City Council formed a Charter Review Committee in April 2016. The Charter Review Committee met several times to consider changes to the City Charter and has recommended several changes that are reflected in the proposed resolutions. At its special meeting the City Council on June 28, 2016, met with members of the Charter Review Committee and considered the recommendations to amend the City Charter. The Council determined to submit three priority propositions and the remaining amendments in as few propositions as possible. These were presented to City Council and approved by resolution at the July 5, 2016 meeting.
These propositions will now be placed on the November 8, 2016 ballot for voters.
The full resolutions and propositions can be found by navigating to http://www.kelso.gov/city-council/city-charter-review
Questions submitted to the City regarding these propositions will be compiled, answered, and posted under the FAQ's link (coming soon) on the City Charter Review page.