Fri, 03/24/2017
The Walnut Street/7th Avenue street corridor in South Kelso will be closed for paving the week of March 27 – March 31, from the intersection of Walnut St./10th Avenue to the intersection of 7th Ave./Yew Street. A detour route will be in place during the closures to direct motorists.
Closures are scheduled as follows:
- Monday-Wednesday, March 27, 28, 29: The roadway will be closed to thru traffic but open to local traffic.
- Thursday, March 30, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm: Walnut Street will be closed to all traffic from 7th Avenue to 10th Avenue. Residents on Walnut Street will need to park vehicles outside the work area.
- Friday, March 31, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm: 7th Avenue will be closed to all traffic from Walnut Street to Yew Street. Residents on 7th Avenue will need to park vehicles outside the work area.
For additional information please contact Tim Shell at 577-3322.