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In July 2006, Gibbs & Olson, Inc. presented to the City (City) Phase I of the Kelso Stonnwater Management Plan (SMP). Phase I included the delineation of the stormnwater basins within the city limits and provided a SMP for drainage within Basin 1 of the City. The Phase I SMP included inventory of the existing structures and pipes, evaluation of the materials and function of the system, and recommendations for the improvement to the city's Phase I system. In May of 2007, Gibbs & Olson, in conjunction with the City, began Phase II of the SMP, which includes five basins, Basins 10 through 14. A map of the city basin delineations was included in the Phase I report.
As in Phase I, Phase II of the SMP identifies deficiencies and recommends improvements for the following three elements of the storm drainage system:
- Pipe capacities
- Pipe materials
Structure access and collections
Development of the SMP included the following steps:
- Preparation of an inventory of the existing stormwater collection system
- Modeling of the existing collection system in Phase II
- Identification of areas of insufficiency
- Preparation of a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for recommended improvements