Current News

Special Council Meeting "Retreat": Kelso City Hall, 203 S. Pacific Ave. from 12:30pm to 5:30pm Friday March 21st, 2025.

Meeting will be to discuss goals and strategies for the City of Kelso. 


Council Meeting: Council Chambers at City Hall, 203 S. Pacific Ave. at 6:00 PM Tuesday April 8, 2025.

If you wish to attend the Council Meeting via Zoom please contact, Jessica Bronstein by email at  no later than 12:00 PM on Tuesday April 8, 2025.

To view council agenda items and other legislative-related information, you can visit our BoardDocs site:

For questions, please contact Nena Barajas at 360-578-7915 ext. 3342 or

Learn about the EPA-mandated service line inventory program, which requires every water system to compile a list of all service line materials from the water main into buildings. This FAQ provides information on how to find and determine your service line material, what to do if lead is found, and available funding opportunities for lead service line replacements. For more details, please refer to the full FAQ document.

Both the report and the FAQ can be found on our Water Treatment Plant page.

The City of Kelso, in conjunction with the Police Department, is seeking input from the community in regards to what they would like to see in the next Chief of Police.  A survey has been created to help with this task.  Results of this survey will be summarized and made public upon completion. 

If you’d like to complete this survey, please do so and return it to the attention of Patty Murray not later than Monday, October 14, 2024, at or by mail at PO Box 819, Kelso, WA  98626

Should you prefer to discuss your opinions in person, we will be holding a public meeting in Council Chambers at City Hall on Thursday, October 17, 2024, from 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Thank you for your time and input.

The Huntington Middle School recycling location is closed, we are currently looking at other options. In the meantime, our other drop sites are still open and avaliable to use at:

  • 1115 South Pacific Ave.
  • Behind Sleep Inn Hotel (Wilco Plaza)

We will provide updates as they become avaliable. If you have questions please call 360-578-7915 ext. 3341.

The City of Kelso Mayor and Council would like to extend the invitation to citizens for design submission for our official city flag. 

Should you wish to submit an illustration of your idea of what the flag should look like, we ask that you use the form noted below to do so and return your submission to Jessica Bronstein at PO Box 819, Kelso, WA  98626 or via email at not later than 5:00 p.m. on September 30, 2024.

Some basics to keep in mind when considering your design are:

  • Signature Buchannon tartan
  • Scotland’s well-known purple heather flowers
  • Purple thistle depicted all around Scotland 
  • Traditional Scottish bagpiper
  • Our name and state
  • Year we were established – 1890
  • Emphasize permanent natural features of Kelso such as rivers or mountains
  • Aim for aesthetic appeal from all angles, both vertically and horizontally

Design Terms and Conditions        Design Submission Form

If your agency/organization would like to request financial support from the Lodging Tax Fund, please submit a Request For Funding form to the City Manager’s office no later than August 23, 2024 at 5:00 pm. Applications may be submitted directly by email to or mailed to City Hall at PO Box 819, Kelso, WA 98626.

2025 LTAC Funds Application

Lodging Tax Funds are available for agencies and events that will promote tourism and encourage participants to sample the hospitality of the citizens and businesses of Kelso.

Please contact Jessica Bronstein at 360-577-3379 with any questions.

The City of Kelso’s Council will be holding a Special Meeting on Tuesday July 9, 2024 to discuss the Unified Development Code updates. The meeting will be held at Kelso City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 PM. Located at Kelso City Hall. 203 S. Pacific Ave – Kelso, WA 98626.

Please contact the City Manager’s office at 360-577-3301 with questions.

Press Release


For information contact: Erica Geiszler

Department Assistant

(360) 577-3361


Park Board Vacancies

Kelso, WA – May 29, 2024

The City of Kelso has openings on the Park Board. All citizens within the City Limits of Kelso and over the age of 18 are eligible to apply. Minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.


Boards are a great way for citizens to give back to their community without committing to a great deal of time.


The Park Board meets once a month on the third Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The Park Board works with staff to ensure that citizens overall vision for the parks as described in the Park Master Plan are realized. This Board also works in an advisory capacity for the Council, making recommendations on park plans and other types of guiding documents pertaining to parks. This would be a great chance for anyone that would like to see our local park system flourish and meet the needs of generations to come.


All board positions are appointed by the Council. To apply go to the City’s website at and click ‘Your Government’ and then ‘Boards and Commissions’. There you will find an application that you can print out.  After you have filled it out you can bring it in to the Operations Center at 2300 Parrott Way, mail it in, or email it to me at Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, June 17th.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Kelso Planning Commission, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 203 South Pacific Way, Kelso, at its regular meeting starting at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 11, 2024, to hear public comment on changes to Kelso Municipal Code, Title 17 Unified Development Code for adopting the 2021 versions of several building and property related codes as adopted by the State of Washington.

Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation to City Council who will make the final decision on the code updates. 

Any taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against the subject.  If any accommodations are needed, please contact the City Clerk's office at (360) 423-0900. Requests should be made as soon as possible but at least 3 business days prior to the scheduled meeting. Most meetings are available to view live on KLTV Government Access Channel 29:

Written comments may be submitted to Kelso City Hall, Community Development to 203 S. Pacific Ave, Kelso WA 98626 or to Written comments can be submitted beginning May 28, 2024 and no later than 4:30 PM on June 11, 2024.

Proposed Code Changes can be found on the Hearing Schedule here: Public Hearings Schedule
