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This Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) provides a comprehensive review of the City of Kelso’s (City) stormwater collection system, including its various structural elements and their performance and deficiencies, and suggested improvements to those elements. The computer modeling of the collection system allows identification of deficiencies and then provides an evaluation of the potential impact of problems such as inadequate pipe size or slope.
This type of system evaluation is necessary in planning for future capital improvement projects and provides needed information to assist the City in complying with the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit (Permit), which addresses the quality of the stormwater being discharged from the City’s system. The City has completed two of the three phases of its SMP update process. This third and final phase, Phase III, of the SMP is intended to be the comprehensive guiding document regarding the management of stormwater (both quality and quantity) within the direct control of the City, to meet the requirements of the Permit program. Best management practices (BMPs) are identified in this SMP as guiding principles for the City’s activities in the stormwater arena.