If you have sustained flood damage, Cowlitz County Department of Emergency Management is ready to take in damage assessments. For those with internet access, the form can be found at www.co.cowlitz.wa.us/DEM. You can fill out the form there and submit it.
If you do not have access to internet or if you have questions you can call the Department of Emergency Management at 360-577-3130 between 8 am and 5 pm.
This is the first step in getting federal assistance for our citizens. The form is NOT an application for assistance, but it IS a very important piece in getting the Declaration. Estimates of damages and a brief description of what is damaged are needed. This information will be used for the County to apply for a Federal Declaration. After the County receives a Federal Declaration of Emergency, FEMA would come in and open a Disaster Recovery Center. At that phase, individuals would work directly with FEMA to apply for individual assistance.