Beginning on August 29, 2016, Lakeside Industries, Inc. of Longview, WA, under contract to the City of Kelso, will begin a restoration project to improve the existing road surface of Talley Way. Inspection, marking and other preparatory work has already begin. The work will be conducted during daylight hours and is scheduled to be finished by September 6, 2016.
This work will create disruptions to the flow of traffic. At times, detours will be used to redirect traffic around or through the work area. As a local resident, every reasonable effort will be made to allow you access to your destination.
The streets must be completely clear of vehicles during these scheduled dates to effectively complete the street repairs. Any vehicles not cleared may be subject to towing and impound at the owners expense.
Unfortunately disruption is an expected consequence of the construction. The City will work to minimize the inconvenience and we appreciate your cooperation and patience. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 360.577.3377.
Mike Busley
Sr. Engineering Tech.