Planning Commission
The City of Kelso is pleased to announce a public hearing with the Planning Commission to take testimony on updates to the following public documents.
1. Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map: allows for a new mixed residential use, rezone requests, and an adjustment to the Adult Oriented Business Overlay to allow for consideration of recreational marijuana sales.
2. Zoning Map. Zoning Map needs to be consistent with the Future Land Use Map.
3. Creation of the Uniform Development Code (UDC) and Zoning Code modifications. The UDC will allow all development regulations to be held under one title in the Municipal Code, making it more user friendly. Individual sections of the code will be updated for the purposes of clarity and streamlining.
Date, Time and Place:
January 10, 2017 at 6 PM
Kelso City Hall, Council Chambers
203 S. Pacific
Kelso, WA
Anyone interested may appear and be heard. The decision of the City Council will be mailed to all those who submit comments, testify at the hearing or request the decision in writing. Any aggrieved party of record can file an appeal with Cowlitz County Superior Court.
***Written public comment can be accepted until 4:30 PM on January 9, 2017***