Tonight, starting at 8:30 pm, crews from Mill Plain Electric will be making changes to the signals on Allen Street at 4th Avenue and 5th Avenue.
The change on 4th Avenue at Allen will modify the signal and signing so that the left lane and the middle lane on 4th are left turn only lanes, and the right lane is available for through traffic southbound as well as right turns. On Allen at 5th Avenue, the signal and signing change will prohibit left turns from Allen to 5th Avenue Street. On 5th Avenue at Allen, the signal and signing changes will change the designation for the middle lane to allow left turns from 5th to Allen. Through traffic northbound on 5th at Allen will continue to be able to use the middle lane. Directional signing will be installed to route eastbound traffic on Allen Street to 5th Avenue northbound via 4th Avenue and Oak Street. C & R Tractor and Landscaping will install temporary striping on 4th, 5th, Oak and Allen. Permanent striping has been delayed until night time temperatures are suitable.
The City will work to minimize inconveniences during construction. We appreciate your cooperation and patience.
City of Kelso
Engineering Department
(360) 423-6590