We hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy at this difficult time. We want to assure you we are working hard to provide safe and reliable drinking water to your homes and businesses. During this time our staff is still conducting essential work, including collecting routine monitoring samples, monitoring the treatment, inspecting our facilities, reading meters, conducting important routine maintenance, and emergency repairs. We are asking you to please give our staff the space they need to conduct their work, by keeping at least 6 feet of distance. Please continue to allow our staff access to the water system by not blocking driveways or easements. Our operators need clear access to water system components such as valves, meters, and the pump house. Our staff is vital to keeping the water system operational. Thank you for your continued cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Randy Johnson at (360) 423-5730 or email him at rjohnson@kelso.gov.