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July 5-8, 2024

Heat Wave Alert: Stay Cool and Safe, July 5-8;
Free Fares on RiverCities Transit

Here are essential tips and resources to help stay cool and safe:
Ride free on RiverCities Transit from July 5-8 (no routes on Sunday). See the route
schedule at rctransit.org.

784 14th Ave. location (behind the YMCA) from 2:00 – 6:00 Sunday.  

Longview & Kelso Public Libraries:
o Longview Public Library: Open Friday & Saturday (9am 5pm) and Monday
(9am 7pm).
o Kelso Public Library: Open Friday & Saturday (10am 5pm). Closed Monday.
Additional places to stay cool: Call 211 for locations and hours.

Tips to Beat the Heat
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
Avoid outdoor activities during the hottest parts of the day.
Wear light, loose-fitting clothing.
Use sunscreen and wear a hat when outdoors.
Check on elderly neighbors and those with health conditions.

Pet Safety
Never leave pets in a parked car, even for a few minutes.
Provide pets with plenty of shade and fresh water when outdoors.
Limit pet exercise to cooler morning or evening hours.
Walk pets on grass to protect their paws from hot surfaces.
Watch for signs of heat stroke, including heavy panting and inability to calm down.

Vehicle Safety
Never leave children or pets unattended in vehicles.
Park in shaded areas when possible and use sunshades to keep your car's interior cooler.
Check your vehicle's cooling system and fluid levels.

Remember, heat-related illnesses can be serious. If you or someone you know experiences
symptoms such as dizziness, headache, or nausea, seek medical attention immediately.