Improvement Plan (Image)
Construction on the road and parking improvements at Tam O is starting Monday, March 25. The first phase is to reconstruct and reconfigure the west parking lot, reconstruct and widen the gravel roads on the north and east sides of the park, and to repave the east parking lot. This phase is expected to be completed by early May
Starting in early May and continuing into early August, the next phase will be to widen the main park entrance road and extend it, reconfigure the main parking lot and the middle parking lot (next to the new shelter), and add additional sidewalks and landscaping. During this second phase of construction, the entrance road, the main parking lot and the middle parking lot will be closed. During the closures of the park entrance road and the main and middle parking lots, the Park will be open each day and signing will be in place to direct traffic into the Park via the roads on the north and east sides of the Park.
Beginning Monday, March 25th, Advanced Excavating Specialists, LLC of Longview, WA, under contract to the City of Kelso, will begin a construction project to improve parking and traffic flow within Tam O’Shanter Park. Construction will occur during daylight hours and should continue through mid-August.
This work will create disruptions to the flow of traffic throughout the park. Detours will redirect traffic around or through the work area. Phased parking lot closures will occur. The City will provide advanced notification of these closures. We will also provide regular updates to the City’s webpage and Facebook page.
Unfortunately, traffic disruption is an expected consequence of construction. The City will work to minimize any inconveniences. We appreciate your cooperation and patience.
City of Kelso
Engineering Department
(360) 423-6590