***8 AM-6PM***
Online payments can be made here: https://www.municipalonlinepayments.com/kelsowa. Phone payments can be made at 1-360-578-7915 Option #1 with Debit or Credit Cards which include a 3% convenience fee. Payments can be made in the office with Cash, Check Debit or Credit Cards. Credit card payments will include a 3% convenience fee. Payments can be mailed using the enclosed return envelopes. Payments can be made in our drop box located at the south end of the building. Payments can be made using Rapid Pay. Payments are deducted from savings or checking accounts bimonthly on the bill due date. Complete the Rapid Pay Application and mail to City of Kelso P.O. Box 819 Kelso, WA 98626 or submit at utilities@kelso.gov. Leak Adjustment Request forms must be completed and must include copies of invoices, receipts and or pictures showing repairs have been made. Water and Sewer Leak Adjustment Guidelines. Account closure requires completion of account closure form and can be submitted in our office or by email at utilities@kelso.gov.
Water Hook-Ups & Application for Service
Utility Taxes
Garbage Service
Recycling Drop-Site Locations
Senior Citizen Rate Reduction
Storm Sewer
Deposit of either $100 or $200 is required for water, sewer and/or garbage services. Qualifications for the $100 deposit are: applicants can have no more than one delinquent notice, no more than one check returned for insufficient funds, no tampering with meter fees, and no previous liens filed with the City of Kelso. If the applicant does not meet those requirements, a $200 deposit is then required. Also a service call fee of $25.00 is due at time of sign on for operations to read and/or turn water on at your address.
Deposits are applied to current bills after 30 months of continuous on time full payments.
Final bills are figured from the last reading to the date the water is shut off.
Deposits are nontransferable from one residence/resident to another.
If you move, you must make a new deposit.
To be hooked up to the City's water system, you must come to the Finance and Utility Department and initiate an application for service in person. Customers must complete this process by 4:00 pm to get service turned on the same day. Otherwise service will be turned on the follwoing business day after 9:00 am.
You will be required to present:
- Personal Identification
- A copy of your owner information or your current rental agreement
- Identify your landlord and his or her current address
Application for Service Guidelines.
Water service is provided by the City of Kelso and is charged on consumption.
2024 UTILITY RATES-The City of Kelso bills are on a bi-monthly baisis. Please be advised the rates below are for one month.
Inside City Limits
Residential Water Sewer Garbage Storm Water
Monthly Base Rate $17.53* $70.42 $17.13 $10.23
*In addition to the base rate shown above, $5.16 per 100 cubic feet shall be charged for metered water consumed.
Outside City Limits
Residential Water Sewer
Monthly Base Rate $26.29* $105.63
*In addition to the base rate shown above, $7.74 per 100 cubic feet shall be charged for metered water consumed.
Commercial Water Rates Inside City Limits
Meter Monthly Rate
1" $36.21
1 1/2" $67.82
2" $105.40
3" $205.82
4" $319.09
6" $1,010.72
In addition to the rates shown, $5.16 per 100 cubic feet shall be charged for metered water consumed.
Outside City limit rate is 1.5 times the City rate.
2020-2024 Water Sewer Ordinance 19-3937
The amounts on customer billing statements include a utility tax up to 20% calculated on the gross revenue of the Water, Sewer, and Solid Waste utilities. Chapter 5.05 UTILITY TAX
Garbage-only accounts do not require a deposit. To sign up for service you must come to the Finance and Utility Department and provide the same documents for water service. Garbage is a flat rate and billed every other month. Base rate is $17.13 per month. The City contracts with Waste Control for garbage collection services. Customers are provided with a garbage can.
Please direct customer calls for missed pickups and replacement of broken cans to Waste Control at 360-425-4302. Customer calls for change in container size or quantity please call 360-578-7915 Ex 3341.
WasteConnect Mobile App allows customers to communicate directly regarding missed pickups and issues regarding broken trash containers.
2019-2020 Garbage Ordinance 19-3935
Drop-Site Recycling Locations:
1115 S. Pacific Ave Plastic recycling temporarily unavailable.
Accepts mixed paper, cardboard, tin & aluminum.
Behind Super 8 Motel 250 S. Kelso Dr Plastic recycling temporarily unavailable.
Accepts mixed paper, cardboard, tin & aluminum, glass (clear/brown/green), motor oil & antifreeze.
The City has its own stormwater utility with rates based on an impervious surface area. Monthly service charges range from $4.89 per impervious acre to $67.33 per impervious acre.
2017-2019 Stormwater Ordinance 16-3881
The City does have low income Senior Citizen Utility Rate Reductions. If you are at least 61 years of age and your total household income does not exceed $54,000 annually, you may qualify for a reduction on your water, sewer, garbage and stormwater portion of your bill. You may pick up an application at the Finance and Utility Department or download Senior Citizen Low Income Application & application instructions. You will be required to show proof of your income.
For more information please Contact our office.