Current News

Lower Columbia College and the Kelso School District are partnering to add a larger Headstart facility at Barnes Elementary School, 401 Barnes Street, Kelso. The new modular will be approximately 5,000 square feet in size and have an additional 14 off street parking spaces as well as an off street drop off and pick up for the kids. Parties wishing to comment on the Notice of Application or Environmental Checklist must do so in writing by 4:30pm December 6, 2018. Please follow the directions within in the Notice of Application on how to submit comments. Only written comments can be taken. For more information visit Current Development Projects on our Planning Webpage.

Tonight, starting at 7 pm, crews from SPM will be striping Grade Street from Oak Street to 13th Street. The striping will be in a new configuration from the current striping. Between Ash Street and 13th, the new striping will designate one through lane each direction, a center-turn lane and bike lanes on each side. From Oak to Ash, the new striping will designate one through lane in each direction and bike lanes on each side. During the work, individual lanes will be closed until the striping dries, but Grade Street will remain open. In addition, striping to Oak Street from 4th to 5th, 4th from Academy to Oak and 5th from Oak to Allen will occur in upcoming days as weather allows.

The City will work to minimize any inconveniences. We appreciate your cooperation and patience.

City of Kelso
Engineering Department
(360) 423-6590


Cowlitz Clean Waters is sponsoring its second annual student video contest for high school students to raise awareness of the solutions to stormwater pollution.  Grand prize for the winning video is a $500 Amazon gift card, with $250 and $150 gift cards for the runners-up. For more information see the Cowlitz Clean Waters Website at

Please note the removal of plastic containers beginning November 1, 2018 at the Kelso recycling locations.

In accordance with RCW 35.21.157, notice is hereby given that the City of Kelso is proposing a rate adjustment in its solid waste handling fees for consideration by Council on November 6, 2018. Said fees will be effective January 1, 2019.

Publish:   Saturday, October 6, 2018

               Saturday, October 13, 2018

The following presentation was delivered by City Manager Steve Taylor at the Kelso-Longview Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Luncheon held today.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Kelso City Council will hold a Public Hearing at 6:00 P.M. on Tuesday, October 2, 2018, in the Kelso City Council Chambers, 203 South Pacific, Kelso, Washington, on Revenue Sources for the City's 2019 Current Expense Budget.  This hearing will include consideration of the possible increase in property tax revenues. 

Citizens attending the hearing have the right to provide written and oral comment. 

Dated at Kelso, Washington, this September 11, 2018.  Brian Butterfield City Clerk City of Kelso

Publish September 22, 2018, and September 29, 2018

Lodging Tax Fund Application Review Recommendations

Wednesday, September 12, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at Kelso City Hall.  203 S. Pacific Ave Kelso, WA

LTAC Members will review, discuss, and make recommendations for allocation of lodging tax funds to staff for presentation to Council for final approval.

Loding Tax Funds are available to agencies and events that will promote tourism and encourage participants to sample the hospitality of the citizens and businesses of our area.

Questions; please call Jessica Bronstein at 360-577-3301


Memorial services for Cindy Schimpf (Donaldson) will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, September 7th at the Latter Day Saints Church located at 1721 30th Avenue in Longview.  The family has opened the services to all community members wishing to pay their respects to Cindy’s life and legacy.

The Kelso Public Library will be open from 3:00 – 8:00pm on September 7th.

