City of Kelso Park Facility Plan
The City of Kelso has updated the City of Kelso Park Facility Plan. The purpose of this plan is to create a Catlin Spray Park Master Plan, prioritize improvements and opportunities within our current parks, and to identify areas lacking in parks. Consultants Stefanie Slyman and Daniel Chin with Harper Houf Peterson Righellis conducted public outreach, inventoried our current park system, and analyzed opportunities. This work was presented to the City Council at the regular Council meeting on March 6th.
Before the Council will make any final decisions about adopting the plan on April 3rd , the public is invited to view the plan and comment to the City. The City of Kelso Park Facility Plan and Presentation to the Council on March 6th can be viewed here. All comments must be in writing either via email, USPS, or hand delivered to Community Development. Written comments will be taken until 5PM on March 30th. The public is invited to come and comment on the plans directly to the City Council at the regular April 3rd meeting at 6PM. If you have any questions, staff contact is Tammy Baraconi, Planning Manager. She can be contacted at tbaraconi@kelso.gov or at 360.577.3321.
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