City Hall

City Hall

West Kelso Subarea Plan FINAL

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Fri, 05/06/2016

Development of the West Kelso Subarea Plan included a resident and property owner survey, stakeholder interviews, an Existing Conditions Report, two public workshops, an Alternatives Summary, and this final product which includes a detailed preferred alternative. The West Kelso Subarea Plan provides an introduction to the project, introduces the vision and guiding principles that direct the plan, lays out the plan concept and actions based on the preferred alternative, and provides a matrix for implementing the various actions.

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Lea Este Aviso Usted Tiene Derechos Importantes Como Cliente Del Defensor Publico (You have rights - Spanish)

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Mon, 02/02/2015

La Suprema Corte del Estado de Washington adoptó normas para la conducta de los defensores públicos. La Asociación del Colegio de Abogados del Estado de Washington también adoptó las reglas generales para el suministro de servicios dados a usted por los defensores públicos. Estas Normas y Reglas Generales son la base de las Normas adoptadas por la Ciudad. Este aviso se entrega cuando es un cliente del Defensor Público para que sepa los derechos que usted tiene bajo estas normas. Está recibiendo este aviso porque es un cliente del Defensor Público.

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Kelso Public Defender - You have Important Rights (English)

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Wed, 01/14/2015

The Washington State Supreme Court has adopted standards for the conduct of public defenders. The Washington State Bar Association has also adopted guidelines for the provision of services to you by public defenders. These Standards and Guidelines are the basis for standards adopted by the City. This notice is provided to you as a client of the Public Defender to make you aware of your rights under these standards. You are receiving this notice because you are a client of the Public Defender.

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