Listed below are the Plans and Code used in Long Range Planning.
- City of Kelso Comprehensive Plan- Updated 2017
- Shoreline Master Plan
- Park & Recreation Plan
- Kelso Municipal Code
- West Kelso Subarea Plan
- Kelso Annexation Plan - Draft
- Consolidated Plan
- Smart Growth Report
- Cowlitz Housing First Coalition - Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness
- Southwest Washington Regional Airport - Airport Master Plan
- Anchor Point Subarea Plan
City of Kelso Comprehensive Plan - Updated 2017
The City of Kelso Washington's Comprehensive Plan is a management tool to be used as a resource to guide decision-making in the City as well as the allocation of City resources.The Comprehensive Plan is based on a Vision Statement that is a description of the preferred future for the City.
Shoreline Master Plan Updated November 2021 (Approved by Ecology 4.21.2022)
Shoreline Master Plan November 2021
SMP Appendices
The purpose of the Shoreline Master Program is to develop a plan for managing shorelines throughout the City for compliance with the Washington State Shoreline Management Act (SMA), RCW 90.58 The Act provides a statewide framework for managing, accessing, and protecting the Washington’s significant shorelines including rivers, lakes, and coastal waters. Passed by the Washington State Legislature in 1971, the SMA reflects the strong interest of the public in our shorelines and waterways for recreation, protection of natural areas, aesthetics, and commerce. The statute requires each county and city within the state to update their Shoreline Master Program periodically. To complete this work, the Department of Ecology provided the County with a grant.
Shoreline Master Program: Periodic Review
In order to meet requirements set forth by the Department of Ecology and as required by the Washington state Shoreline Management Act (SMA), RCW 90.58.080(4), the City of Kelso is undertaking a periodic review of its Shoreline Master Program (SMP). The review ensures the SMP stays current with changes in laws and rules, remains consistent with other Kelso plans and regulations, and is responsive to changed circumstances, new information, and improved data. To keep the public involved in the SMP process, the City of Kelso is initiating a Public Participation Plan to encourage public input throughout the SMP review process. Interested parties can access status updates, draft documents, official notices, minutes and other project information at the links below. This webpage will be the primary resource for all information related to the periodic review process.
- Kelso SMP Public Participation Plan
- Ecology Checklist
- Determination of Non-Significance
- SEPA Checklist
- Notice of Hearing, Nov. 2, 2021. 6 PM
- Final Approval of Periodic Review Amendment Letter
- Findings & Conclusions: Attachment A
- Kelso SMP Amendments - Approved April 15, 2022 by the Department of Ecology
- Kelso SMP Final Approved Appendix C -Critical Areas
- Kelso SMP Final Approved Appendix E -Exemptions
Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan - February 2014
Park Facility Plan - February 2018
Park Faciliy Plan Presentation to City Council
Codification of the general ordinances of the City of Kelso. Zoning Code is within the Kelso Municipal Code.
The Consolidated Plan is a requirement of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that large cities and all states must prepare in order to receive Federal monetary assistance from HUD Programs. The Plan is a comprehensive strategy developed by the community addressing the affordable housing and community development needs present within the community.
Smart Growth Implementation Report
The Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments, in partnership with the city of Kelso, Washington, requested technical assistance from EPA's Smart Growth Implementation Assistance Program to develop a smart growth economic development strategy focusing on the South Kelso neighborhood, specifically downtown Kelso, the South Kelso residential community, and the Talley Way industrial area.
Using Smart Growth Strategies to Foster Economic Development: A Kelso, Washington, Case Study (2015) aims to help cities like Kelso rethink how to address economic development challenges with small, manageable solutions that create stronger, more resilient communities. A smart growth economic development strategy needs to support businesses and workers and improve quality of life. Smart growth approaches bring together these elements and recognize the balance among them and the need to create long-term value in addition to short-term gains.
Cowlitz Housing First Coalition - Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness
The Washington State Legislature passed the Homelessness Housing and Assistance Act (HB 2163) in 2005, directing local governments to develop ten-year homeless plans with a goal of eliminating homelessness and cutting existing homeless in half by July 2015. The Cowlitz Housing First Coalition was formed in compliance with this requirement to create the plan.
Southwest Washington Regional Airport - Airport Master Plan
The City of Kelso is updating the Airport Master Plan for Southwest Washington Regional Airport (KLS) in cooperation with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to address the airport’s needs for the next twenty years. The Airport Master Plan will provide specific guidance in making the improvements necessary to maintain a safe and efficient airport that is economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. The purpose of the Airport Master Plan is to define the current, short-term and long-term needs of the Airport through a comprehensive evaluation of facilities, conditions and FAA airport planning and design standards. The study will also address elements of local planning (land use, transportation, environmental, economic development, etc.) that have the potential of affecting the planning, development and operation of the airport.